Sunday, January 27, 2008

SOEHARTO in memoriam

Soeharto was born in Kemusuk, Argomulyo, Yogyakarta, 8 June 1921
Died : Jakarta, 27 January 2008, 1.10 PM GMT+7
Religion : Islam
Education: SD (Elementary School) in Twir, Yogyakarta, Wuryantoro and Solo. SLTP (Junior High School) and Sekolah Agama in Wonogiri and Yogyakarta (1935 – 1939). Sekolah Bintara (ARMY School) in Gombong, Central Java (1941).


Prajurit Teladan / The Best Soldier (1941-1942)

Polisi Surela dan Tentara PETA (1942-1945)

The body guard of Panglima Besar Soedirnan (the Big General Soedirman)

The Leader of 1 March General Attack to take over the Capital City of Yogyakarta (1 March 1949)

KOSTRAD Commander and Panglima Sementara TNI AD (until 1965)

Panglima AD / ARMY Leader (1966)

Ampera Cabinet Presidium Leader (1966)

Soeharto’s parent are Sukirah and Kertoredjo, the farmers. At that time his parent hoped he could help them as a farmer. Soeharto must worked hard to finish his school. Finally he continued his study at Bintara ARMY School in Gombong, Central Java.

After Soeharto was chosen as the Best Soldier, he become a Sergant. In Japanese invasion time, Soeharto joined as a police, then moved to PETA until he achieved his grade as a Komandan Pelopor (Commander). He became a member of TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia/The National Army of Indonesia) on October 5th 1945 when he was 24 years old. The last military career he was a General.

The duties of Soeharto are as the body guard of the Big General Soedirman; the Leader of 1 March General Attack against the Dutch invasion to take over the Capital City of Yogyakarta; the Commander of West Papua Mandala operation (1962-1963); Destroyed G30S/PKI based on Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret (SUPERSEMAR). For his success, MPRS gave him a new duty as a President of the Republic of Indonesia, replaced Soekarno. He could manage the Republic of Indonesia, the big country with thousand islands with various cultures among its citizen.

Today, January 27, 2008, Soeharto is died in Jakarta, at 1.10 PM GMT+7.

Good bye Pak Harto…. thank you for your dedication to our love country Indonesia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Suharto spent his life creating an American VoK; in 1961 Suharto put on a military display to distract people from seeing that America was the colonial master who were forcing the Dutch to sell West Papua to Indonesia to be mined as a Indonesian COLONY.

When Suharto came to power he gave the mining rights of the Indonesian colonies to his American partners; and he put the women & farmers of Java in factories for America producing their cheap shoes & clothes until that business was moved to Mexico ten years ago; by which time the people of Java had developed a taste for colonial profits from their 'Provinces', and they liked it.

It is Sad how greed and corruption can hide in plain view. Suharto and the TNI are just the same as the Javanese who worked for VoK.